Mathematics at Newland St. John’s
We use the National Curriculum Mathematics Programme of Study for the teaching of Maths which is divided into number, measurement, geometry, statistics, ratio and proportion and algebra. All planning is predominantly based on ensuring every child accesses our broad and balanced curriculum (through the National Curriculum and Statutory Framework) regardless of ability. The Maths Hub White Rose Scheme of Learning is used to support pupils’ understanding of all areas of mathematics: However, planning across school is based on individual and class needs so it can be altered at the teacher’s discretion.
Medium Term Plan – EY White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 1 White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 2 White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 3 White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 4 White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 5 White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 6 White Rose Scheme
White Rose Scheme – Ready to progress by theme
Teachers use our NSJ Learning Cycle (based on Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction) as a framework for teaching the daily maths lessons.

White Rose Calculation Policies
Link: Multiplication and Division Calculation Policy
Link: Addition and Subtraction Calculation Policy
Supporting your Child with Maths at Home
Top tips for parents:
1. It is really important to be positive about maths. Don’t say ‘I couldn’t do maths at school.’ Instead, try to encourage a love for investigation and solving problems.
2. Point out maths in everyday life- when you are cooking, travelling, at the supermarket.It can be as simple as pointing out the time during the day.
3. Praise effort rather than talent. It is ok to make mistakes and struggle a little as that is how learning takes place.