

National Curriculum: Progression of Knowledge and Skills for English

We believe it is important that children have daily opportunities to write.  This may be in English or could be in other foundation subjects. It is also important that writing should be for a real and stated purpose. Children are taught to adapt their style of writing for different text types or genres.

We use a range of quality texts as a starting point for many of our writing units of work.  These help to inspire the children and to give them a range of ideas and vocabulary that they can draw on in their own writing.  

Through the use of modelled texts, shared and guided writing, as well as talk for writing, children are supported to write a range of compositions in every year group. As they progress through the school, they are taught how to edit and improve their writing.

Link: Our Writing Curriculum

Spelling and Grammar

Children are taught grammar in the context of specific writing assignments.

We use Spelling Shed as our main scheme for teaching spelling. Every child has a personal log-in and can access the website and play games which help them to learn their weekly spellings at home.

Further information for Parents

Writing Information for Parents

Oxford Grammar Glossary